It’s no wonder why many people wish to live a saintly life. The saints were favored by God and was loved by many for the life they lived on Earth. Moreover, even in death, they always help other people through their intercessions and miracles.
And while there are many saints that Catholics honor, it’s great to know that they have noticeable traits in common that we can emulate. In fact, when you study the lives of the saints, the more you will notice the similarities in their habits and lifestyles.
This is not to say that they are very similar– they are not. Each one is unique and utterly different. Here are three traits that you can copy if you wish to live like your favorite saints. (Read: 5 Reasons Why St. Clare Should Be One of Your Favorite Saints!)
They live a life of prayer

One way to live a holy life is to always have a conversation with God. And this is one of the most defining habits of saints. Love for God is the first step to holiness and how can you give love to someone you don’t know. Saints prioritized their relationship with God above all other things.
If you wish to imitate a saint, always make time for prayer in your day– whether it be a short one when you wake up or praying the Rosary. (Read: 4 Practical Prayers to Ask God for Help)
They are selfless

Selfless people always stand out against a self-absorbed society. But being selfless and helping the marginalized is a common characteristic of the saints.
Just look at the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, St. Katherine Drexel, Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, and St. Nicholas who is the inspiration behind the jolly old man, Santa Claus! Aside from them, there are many more saints who made it their life’s mission to serve the poor and marginalized.
The saints have a knack for noticing those who are downtrodden and oppressed. In short, they are not deaf and blind to the cries of the society. If you want to be saint-like, look for ways to help and serve those in need– much better if you go out of your way and if the help is done with a grateful and loving heart. (Read: Meet the architect who dedicated his career to helping the urban poor)
They honor and value the sacraments

Saints had a great love for Jesus Christ and the Holy Eucharist. They also honored the other sacraments as well. Take St. Padre Pio who valued the Sacrament of Reconciliation the most.
The saints’ lives are witness to how much we too should value and honor the sacraments. Many of the Catholic martyrs died for the Eucharist– an example that they imitate from Christ. Honoring and valuing the Church’s sacraments is not only in imitation of the saints we love but of Jesus Christ as well. (Read: My Pope Asks: What Is The ‘Last Sacrament’?)
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