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3 Pope Francis Quotes On Teachers

Today, October 5, we celebrate World Teacher’s Day. We celebrate all the teachers we’ve encountered in our lives, remember the great lessons they’ve taught us and that we continue to live by, and simply honor these hardworking individuals who have become our second parents.

And just like us, Pope Francis also has good memories during his school days. He even shared some of his favorite teachers, and his fondest stories with and of them on several occasions in the past! (Read: Meet the Pope’s Favorite Teachers)

The Holy Father has high respect and regard for teachers, which he has constantly shown during speeches and public appearances. So here are some of our favorite Pope Francis quotes on teachers and their honorable profession. Read on.

“Let us thank all those who teach in Catholic schools. Educating is an act of love; it is like giving life.”

Photo from Aleteia

In a tweet on March 1, 2014, Pope Francis reminded his followers to thank their teachers, especially those who teach in Catholic schools. He also said that educating and teaching is an act of love– and truthfully, it is. An individual who does not love teaching will never have the level of patience one who is passionate educating has. And an educator with a loving and passionate heart will undoubtedly pass down wonderful life lessons to their students.

“Teaching is a beautiful profession, it’s a pity teachers are poorly paid because it is not just about the time they spend in school, then the time they spend preparing, the time they spend on each individual student: how to help them move forward.”

Dax Macaraya, a second grade teacher at Malanday Elementary School in Marikina, with her students. (Photo from JL Javier/CNN Philippines)

During his address to the members of the Italian Union of Catholic School Teachers, Managers, Trainers, and Educators in 2015, Pope Francis shared that he thinks teaching is a ‘beautiful’ profession. His reason? The time and dedication these people have in order to teach and help their students become the people they are meant to be. The Holy Father also expressed his disappointment that teachers are poorly paid–including in his home country of Argentina, where teachers would work double shifts just to earn a decent income.  “It is a poorly paid job, but it’s beautiful because it allows us to see the people who are entrusted to our care grow day after day,” the pope added. (Read: Online classes Year 2: Yay or nay?)

“[Being a teacher] is a little like being parents, at least spiritually. It is a great responsibility!”

Photo from TeacherPH

During the same 2015 speech, Pope Francis also added that being a teacher and educator is similar to becoming parents. You teach children values, morals, life lessons, and skills, which they use for most of their lives. And because of the influence educators have on their students, it is also a great responsibility. Children see their teachers as a second parent, therefore also see them as a person of authority whom they should follow. Which is why educators have to always make sure they are teaching the correct things to these children– a big responsibility indeed!

Happy Teacher’s Day, Popesters!

The post 3 Pope Francis Quotes On Teachers appeared first on My Pope Philippines.

3 Pope Francis Quotes On Teachers
Source: News Flash Trending

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