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3 Prayers For Elections

If you haven’t noticed it yet, the country and the whole nation is now focusing on the national political arena. With many candidates for the highest position in the land, there is much study and scrutiny that must be done.

As Catholics, we must consider what is best for the country, what agenda best reflects biblical values and prescription for governance, and most importantly, pray that God’s will and His plan would be implemented here on earth. (Read: Kidapawan Bishop Reminds That Voting In The May 2022 Elections Is A Responsibility)

One of the most crucial things we can do, as Christians, is to pray. Aside from voting, we must seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not risk a foolish vote. God will always guide us in whatever decision we pursue, we just need to turn to Him in prayer and ask for His help.

Here are 5 prayers to guide you for the upcoming May 2022 Elections.

A Prayer for the Election

Holy Father,

Thank you for the opportunity to have a voice in the way my government runs. I praise you for the vote that I have. During this time of debate, diffusion, and decision-making, please have Your sovereign hand over this country. Please keep our country healthy during this season. Give us the peace that passes understanding about the vote, and the outcome. You Word says that You change the times and the seasons, so You are in control of this phase in our nation’s history. I ask for the season to not be volatile, and that our nation would see You in it.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Election Anxiety

Our Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being with us and for sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and to guide us. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. People are worried. Your Word says to be anxious for nothing, but in everything to come to You; I ask that you provide peace and comfort to the worried hearts of this country right now. Relieve their anxiety by helping them to focus on You and your will. Help those who feel anxious to instead feel Your presence. Please diffuse the spirit of anxiety across the nation, bringing understanding between all people. Reign over us, O Lord, instead of fear.

In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for Our Nation

Holy Father,

Thank you for choosing to put me in this country, at this time, and for Your purposes. Please be with this country during this time of decision. Bless it and keep it strong. Help us to remember the things we have in common, and not just our differences. Let there be revival in our country, bringing us closer to You and to each other. As King David wrote, the nation whose God is the Lord is blessed. Please be the Lord over this nation above all else. Protect our people, guide our steps, and strengthen us through this season.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Source: crosswalk.com

The post 3 Prayers For Elections appeared first on My Pope Philippines.

3 Prayers For Elections
Source: News Flash Trending

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