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Andy Borowitz on Our Age of Ignorance


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Not only are we living in a time where people are proud of their ignorance, the writer and comedian Andy Borowitz argues, but some of our most educated politicians are now playing down their intelligence as a strategy to get elected. Borowitz, the author of the long-running satirical column The Borowitz Report, examines this phenomenon in his new book, “Profiles in Ignorance: How America’s Politicians Got Dumb and Dumber.” “When Trump was elected, a lot of us supposedly knowledgeable people were taken by surprise,” he tells David Remnick. “But the more I researched the past fifty years, the more likely and plausible—and maybe even inevitable—his election was, because he actually had a great deal in common with his forebears.”

Andy Borowitz on Our Age of Ignorance
Source: News Flash Trending

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