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Court Transcript Recorded Moments After the Defense Heard “Landslide” for the First Time

THE COURT: The defense will now make their case. Mr. Billings, you may proceed.

MR. BILLINGS: Thank you, Your Honor. In the evidence to follow, I believe you’ll find that it’s all so fragile.


MR. BILLINGS: Apologies. What I meant to say is that my client had no prior knowledge of this incident. And, furthermore, time is like sand—you know?

THE COURT: Is that a hypothetical?

MR. BILLINGS: I guess it’s true, what they say—that people appear in your life, some for a reason and others just for a season.

MS. FRANKFORT: Your Honor, I’d like the record to reflect that opposing counsel has started crying during his opening statement.

THE COURT: Mr. Billings, I’m failing to understand how this pertains to your—

MR. BILLINGS: The twisted irony is that we can know true love only if we’ve felt true loss.

MS. FRANKFORT: I’d also like the record to reflect that opposing counsel has draped himself in a macramé shawl?

MR. BILLINGS: Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?

JUROR No. 12: Is he O.K.?

THE COURT: [To Juror No. 12.] Sir, please don’t interrupt the proceedings.

MR. BILLINGS: Can the child within my heart rise above?

JUROR No. 12: He’s quoting something.

JUROR No. 3: It’s “Landslide,” by Fleetwood Mac.

JUROR No. 12: Oh, I love that song!

JUROR No. 9: I thought it was by Stevie Nicks?

JUROR No. 3: Are you serious? She sings it as part of the band. She’s famously in that band.

JUROR No. 9: O.K., Jesus. She has her own songs, too, though. It’s not so crazy to think—


MR. BILLINGS: I miss Nora.


JUROR No. 12: Go to her, man.

JUROR No. 9: Are we still doing the trial? Can I leave?

THE COURT: We are still doing the trial!

MR. BILLINGS: But if I really loved her I would let her go!

JUROR No. 12: Did you hurt her?

MR. BILLINGS: We hurt each other.

JUROR No. 12: Damn.

THE COURT: Mr. Billings, I am giving you one last chance to present an argument that actually pertains to your client’s case. Otherwise, I’m going to ask you to leave my courtroom.

MR. BILLINGS: Fine. Goodness. O.K., I really am so sorry. In my thirty-year career, I’ve never done anything like this. Apologies again to you, Your Honor, and to my client, Mr. Robin. I’m going to continue now. Like I was saying, I know the prosecution has said some damning things, but . . . but . . .

THE COURT: Mr. Billings?

MR. BILLINGS: But time makes you bolder.

JUROR No. 12: Even children get older.

JURUR No. 3: And I’m getting older, too.

THE COURT: Get out.

MR. BILLINGS: Fine. I’m pretty sure he did it, anyway. ♦

Court Transcript Recorded Moments After the Defense Heard “Landslide” for the First Time
Source: News Flash Trending

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