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A Prayer for a Fruitful Day

We all want to have a blessed and fruitful day as soon as we wake up. That’s why offering a prayer every morning is important, as it can help us start the day with positivity and guidance.

No one knows what challenges we are going to encounter throughout the day. Despite the negative possibilities that may happen, God’s power always lies within us. He also gives us the ability to overcome anything that may harm or fear us. His guidance allows us to maintain an eternal perspective amidst the chaos in our lives. Communicating with God reminds us that His power can make our days fruitful both in good and bad times.

As He tirelessly guides us every day, let us also tirelessly offer Him our gratitude every day. So let us recite this prayer after we wake up. (Read: A Gratitude Prayer for a Blessed Weekend)

A Prayer for a Fruitful Day 

Heavenly Father, thank You that I am Your child, accepted in Christ and called to be fruitful. I ask that today I would live every moment of my life as unto You, bringing forth spiritual fruit that is pleasing in Your sight.

Thank You that Christ is the source and supply of my life and that without Him I can do nothing. May I live in total dependence upon Him in thought, word and deed, so that today may be a fruitful and truly blessed day.

May I be filled with the fruit of righteousness as I live in loving dependence on You alone, and may the fruit of the Spirit be manifested in all I say and do, to Your praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer from knowing-jesus.com.

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