The more Berman visited the wall, the more she realized how it “isolates and segregates Palestinians and Israelis from each other, breeding an atmosphere of uncertainty, frustration, and animosity.” Her images are not overtly political, however. Whereas some photographers attempt to dramatize the quotidian, Berman looks for the opposite: quiet, mundane moments that show what daily life is like in this chaotic place. One such image is of a group of Palestinian women and girls wading in water. The girls are carefree and oblivious, as children are wont to be. But the women standing beside them, fully covered, are not. One holds her hand to her waist, in the exhausted-looking gesture of women worldwide. Other images appear normal at first. A man and a young girl lie on the ground, gazing up at the sky. They are a father and daughter, Berman says. The girl was given the wrong medication when she was a baby, and as a result has become hard of hearing. The only times her father is allowed to cross the barrier into Israel are for her medical appointments.
Life Along Israel’s Separation Wall
Source: News Flash Trending