UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (The Borowitz Report)—As Chris Christie prepares to announce a 2024 White House bid, Americans are struggling to remember who he is again.
“I could be wrong, but I vaguely remember that he was maybe this guy lying down on a beach?” Harland Dorrinson, who lives in Phoenix, said. “There was a picture of him going around. He was on a beach. I don’t remember what was going on, but it wasn’t good.”
“Was he the traffic-cone guy?” Carol Foyler, a resident of Akron, said. “I think he did something with traffic cones, blocking off traffic and stuff, and people were pissed. Am I thinking of the right guy? I’m a little fuzzy on all of the details, but it wasn’t good.”
Tracy Klugian, who lives in San Jose, said that, at first, the name Chris Christie didn’t “ring a bell,” but then he summoned a distant memory of Christie being associated with Donald Trump. “There was this time when Trump was giving a speech, and Christie was this guy standing behind him with this insanely pained expression on his face,” he said. “Was that him, or am I confusing him with someone else? Anyway, it wasn’t good.”
Americans Struggle to Remember Who Chris Christie Is Again
Source: News Flash Trending