In the hit series, "Batang Quiapo," John Estrada's character, Rigor, stands out as a pivotal figure in the story's gripping narrative. His portrayal of Rigor, a character known for his unwavering loyalty and street-smart demeanor, captivated audiences and left a lasting impression. Estrada's ability to embody the essence of Rigor, a character caught in the crossroads of a challenging life, showcased his acting prowess.
Estrada's career spans over two decades, with numerous awards and accolades under his belt. His portrayal of Rigor in FPJ's "Batang Quiapo" series only adds to his impressive body of work. As an actor, John Estrada continues to enchant audiences with his remarkable performances and remains a beloved figure in Philippine showbiz, setting an example for aspiring actors in the industry.
Augustus inanunsyo ang promotion ni Rigor
Source: News Flash Trending