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Would You Rather Stay Home Alone or Online Date?: A Game for Single Women

Would you rather spend a quiet evening by yourself, reading an awful book with a contrived plot and cringy dialogue . . .

or read “hey,” “sup,” “hiii,” and “how u doin,” written by a man you matched with three months ago on a different app who apparently has no recollection of going out with you?

Would you rather go for a solo walk and get attacked by hissing Canada geese in heat . . .

or go for a walk with a man who regales you with endless examples of how great online dating is going for him?

Would you rather go to a dog park on your own, receive weird looks from dog owners because you have no dog, and get your leg humped by three muddy puppies who smell like pee . . .

or find out that your Bumble date lied on his profile about his age, his lack of kids (they very much exist), and the cocker spaniel he clearly borrowed to attract women who love dogs?

Would you rather sit at home alone on a Saturday night and binge-watch “The Great British Bake Off” while on a strict no-carb, no-sugar diet . . .

or stuff your face with molten-chocolate cake while on a dinner date with a man you met on Hinge who asks you if you are still fertile?

Would you rather go to a coffee shop by yourself and sit next to someone who starts loudly conducting a phone interview . . .

or go on a date with a man who recites his entire résumé to you even though you’re not offering him a job?

Would you rather attend a social-networking event alone that turns out to be a time-share presentation that you can’t leave without making a scene . . .

or be coerced into providing your Tinder date with an in-depth critique of his dating profile and giving him advice on how to act on a first date (hint: not like this)?

Would you rather go to a restaurant solo and have the server loudly ask you if anyone else is joining you and then make a big show of removing the second set of silverware from the table . . .

or go out to dinner with a man who shows up wearing a leather choker and generously invites you to join his throuple even though you definitely checked “monogamy” as your relationship preference on Hinge?

Would you rather go to a magic show by yourself and get picked to assist with a magic trick that goes horribly wrong and traps you in a coffin-like box for four hours with a sword dangerously close to your vital organs . . .

or be suddenly unmatched on Bumble by a man who chatted with you non-stop for three days until you asked him to meet in person at which point he immediately went “poof ”?

Would you rather stay home alone, and tell ChatGPT to “act as your boyfriend” and write you flowery love letters . . .

or meet a man on Tinder who seems lovely and compliments you a lot (but for some reason keeps asking you for an Amazon gift card), plan to meet him for drinks, get stood up because bots have no physical form (yet), and then strongly regret sending him that Amazon gift card? ♦

Would You Rather Stay Home Alone or Online Date?: A Game for Single Women
Source: News Flash Trending

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